There are no restrictions on the riding area and distance of electric bicycles. It is inevitable that some problems may occur during long-term riding. After maintenance is carried out, the riding safety is higher. For maintenance, you must first understand the wiring diagram of the electric vehicle controller. After disassembling the controller, you will find that there are multiple lines, and the colors are different, so you must understand the respective functional wiring.
Through the wiring diagram of the electric vehicle controller, you can see that the electric vehicle lines mainly include anti-theft device power supply, signal line, instrument line, cruise line, low-level brake, high-level brake, three-speed line, switch line, and Hall line, Switch wires, motor wires, etc. Each line corresponds to a different control function. Therefore, it is necessary to first determine which aspect of the control of the electric vehicle has a problem, so that it can be convenient to find out which control line needs to be replaced, and it can also be easily checked according to the control line. Show the performance of other accessories.
In addition to understanding the wiring diagram of the electric vehicle controller, the maintenance of electric vehicles should also understand whether the compatibility of electric vehicle accessories can be met. Especially for self-developed brands, there are many accessories that are not commonly used in the market. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to be compatible with other original accessories, so as to prevent the control line from being unable to achieve a stable control effect after installation.